Nyasha’s (his name means: “Mercy”) birth certificate said he was 13 years old but he was very small for his age. His mother died from AIDS and being the only surviving child, he was very lonely and sad. His father was working and away much of the time. When his father became ill and could not get out of bed, Nyasha cared for him as best he could. He had very limited recourses and he could not do much. Soon his father died as well.

Nyasha had no idea what to do. He had no money to bury his father and no one to turn to. For three days he sat in the house with his dead father, alone and afraid. Soon the neighbors wanted to know what the horrible smell was. They called the police to come and investigate. No one in the village could help with the burial costs. The police did not have the money either.
Finally, a Catholic priest was summoned and he paid for the burial and took Nyasha to Newstart Children’s Home. The child was sad, dirty, covered with sores, and completely alone in the world. He was lovingly welcomed, washed and anointed with ointments. Slowly the sad, lonely boy became a beautiful, healthy, happy, helpful child. In our Home, God works miracles and daily changes lives.
Nyasha now has graduated with his B.A. in history and is also pursuing his I.T. degree.
“Words cannot express my appreciation for the love and care I got from Mom and Dad (Dr. and Mrs. Farag). Sometimes I just sit down and wonder what my life would be if it were not for them who encouraged me to do something with my life. Sometimes I felt like giving up on life and other things but Mom and Dad kept on encouraging me to keep trying and do better in life. Money or gifts are not enough to say THANK YOU but I know God has something great at the end of this journey. Thank you Mom and Dad. I will always be grateful for what you did in my life. God bless abundantly.“
— Nyasha C., currently Acting Boys Dean